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Last Tuesday

Tema for dagen: Berekraftsrapportering, ny naturmangfaldsplan og bedriftspresentasjon


Berekraftsrapportering v/ Azets Consulting

Atle Sandal og Jens Ludvig Haaland frå Azets Consulting kjem for å gi oss eit inspirerande og innsiktsfult innlegg om berekraftsrapporteing: frå compliance til konkurransefortrinn. Her set dei fokus på korleis bedrifter kan gå frå å berre oppfylla lovkrav til å bruka berekraftsrapportering som eit strategisk verktøy for vekst og innovasjon.

Føredraget tek mellom anna for seg:

  • Introduksjon til berekraftsrapportering: Kva er det og kvifor er det viktig?

  • CRSD Compliance: Rammeverk, krav og juridiske konsekvensar

  • Implementering: Praktiske trinn og verktøy for effektiv rapportering

  • Forretningsmoglegheiter: Korleis berekraftsrapportering kan skapa konkurransefortrinn, driva innovasjon og møta investorkrav


Den nye naturmangfaldsplanen v/ Voss Herad

Klima- og miljørådgjevar i Voss herad, Lina Hamre, tek oss igjennom den ferske naturmangfaldplanen til heradet. Kva retning vil naturforvaltninga ta framover, og korleis vil dette påverke nokre bransjar og bedrifter meir enn andre?

Bedriftspresentasjon: Din Omstilling

Din Omstilling er lokalisert i Odda, og hjelp organisasjonar med utviklings- og omstillingsprosessar. Dei tilbyr tenester innan leiarutvikling, teamutvikling, organisasjonsutvikling, Jungiansk Type Index (JTI) samt teamkompasset.



Practical information:

Når: Tysdag 25. februar kl. 14.00 – 16.00

Kvar: Næringshagens nye lokale i Gondolbygget (inngang via Turistinformasjonen)

Lett servering

Påmeldingsfrist 24. februar kl. 12.00

Du kan lese meir her og melde deg på

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to 11 Sep

Walking seminar on the care and arrangement of historic thoroughfares

Hiking seminar on the maintenance and development of historic routes – Stalheim and Postvegen at Nærøyfjorden

Program on September 10 :

10.00 Attendance, registration, coffee

11.00 Welcome and presentation about Norwegian road history, different types of roads, tips and advice in working with historic paths and roads.

11.35 Leg stretching with coffee tears

11.50 Presentation on various challenges linked to historic roads in the region, linked to regrowth, care, preparation and use. How do you handle the challenges constructively?

12.30 Päsmurt lunch (must be ordered when registering and paid at the hotel)

13.05 Walk in Stalheimskleivi. : Orientation about Stalheimskleivi - history, conservation status, restoration project and care. We look at concrete examples of the work that has been done as we walk down the slope. Further use and maintenance work is also a topic.

                • Sivlebautaen

                • The Pavilion and Minesvingen

                • The path towards Sivlefossen

                • Older footpath on the way back to the hotel. (Bus transfer back to the hotel if necessary)

16.30 The seminar day ends at the hotel  

16.30 Soup 

17.30 Guided tour of the Stalheim Folk Museum

19.00 Rest time

19.30 Aperitif and art tour in the salon

20.00 Dinner


Program on 11 September:

8.45      Oppmøte på kaia i Gudvangen

9.00 Boat to Styvi 

9.30 Arrival Styvi. Orientation about Postvegen and Styvi as a post office, creation of

the landscape conservation area, landowner agreements and restoration projects linked to the post road.

10.15 I start walking along the post road towards Bleiklindi (5 km). Along the way, there will be information about care and restoration, organization and visitor management linked to the post road.

13.00 Boat ride Bleiklindi – Bakka

13.30 Coffee/tea and cakes Bakka World Heritage House (the old schoolhouse). Information about the World Heritage House project and various aspects of maintenance and traffic related to the Rimstigen road and the Bakkanosi and Breiskrednosi "viewpoints". Problems related to parking and toilets as adaptation measures.


14.45 Buss frå verdsarvhuset til Gudvangen

15.00 Pizza at Gamlo

16.00 Closing


NB: There is an opportunity to take part in the whole event and spend the night at the hotel, possibly just one of the days.



Jan Adriansen (Sweco), Bengt Erlend Skjerdal and Snædis L. Bjarnadottir ( Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park), Marit Anita Skrede (Norwegian Public Roads Administration), Anbjørg Nornes and Jorunn Vallestad ( Nærøyfjorden protected area board), Trygve Dugstad (Stalheim Hotel), Berit Bruvik Drywall, Svein Tufte ( Bakka Village group), possibly


Prices :

- day visitor day 1 - free seminar including coffee/tea and fruit

Can be purchased at the hotel:

Packed lunch with juice/juice (150 NOK), afternoon soup w/ bread (140 NOK), tour Stalheim Museum (90 NOK), art walk in the salon with aperitif (200 NOK), dinner (450 NOK)

- day visitor day 2 - seminar fee NOK 850,-

inkl båt- og busskyss, bevertning Bakka verdsarvhus og pizzabuffet på Gamlo i Gudvangen (bet pr vipps eller faktura). (Deltakarane må ha med lunsj sjølv.)

- full seminar package - NOK 3000,-

incl. accommodation at the Stalheim Hotel, all meals, guided tour of the Stalheim Museum, art tour in the salon with aperitif, bus and boat transport (pay per tip or invoice)


Sign up before 03 September!

Contact person :

Anne Arneberg – Voss herad: anne.arneberg@voss.herad.no

Gry Mørk – Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park: gry@naroyfjorden.no

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until 23 June

Landscape party!

This weekend there is a lot of fun happening at Stalheim! Friday there is a dinner buffet and an outdoor concert with Folk Most. Saturday is the reopening of the historic Stalheimskleiva and opening of the viewpoint at Sivlesteinen. On Sunday, there will be a traditional Jonsok wedding and lots of life and excitement.

You are most welcome to join LANDSKAPSFEST!

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Celebration at Bakka !

Åpning av Verdsarvhuset på Bakka

Saturday 15 June at 1 p.m


Det gamle skulehuset på Bakka har fått eit nytt liv. No er det fylt med utstilling om folket som lever og har levd i området, og me er stolte over å kunne vise fram del ein av denne utstillinga. Eit godt samarbeid mellom kommune, grendalag og Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark skal feirast denne dagen. Me vonar de har høve til å vere med oss og sjå korleis ein kan ta i bruk gamle bygg og gje dei nytt liv.

 De er hjarteleg velkomne til å vere med på opninga av Verdsarvhuset på Bakka, og del 1 av utstillinga der. Me samlast laurdag 15.juni til markering med både talar og underhaldnig.


Opening v/David Underdal

Cord cutting v/Svein Tufte

Speech v/Gro Nesse-Bremer

Flower distribution v/Snædis Bjarnadottir

Speech by Erling Oppheim

 Coffee, cakes, bubbles and treats. Høve to see the exhibition. The event takes place outside, so dress appropriately for the weather!


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Business evening for farmers with the theme: Agriculture - governance, economy and development

Do you think it is difficult to know what is the right choice? Then it might be fun to come to this food evening!

Sognefjorden Næringshage and Felles Landbrukskontor ÅLA organize a business evening!

City: Municipal council hall, town hall in Lærdal

When: February 14 at 6-9 p.m


  • Tollefsen lawyers tell us about the type of governance that pays off in agriculture

  • Information on financing schemes for those who wish to invest in additional industries within agriculture

Welcome to an informative evening with professional refreshments and social interaction.

We provide coffee and something like that!

Registration before 06.02.2023 to beate.stolen@laerdal.kommune.no

Stay tuned for changes in the program!


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Tool evening and sharpening course

Are you interested in old tools and travel accessories?

Høgdegarden Hovland Gard på Vangsnes held open verktøykveld i oktober i samarbeid med Fortidsminneforeningen Sogn lokallag og Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark.

This evening there will be an opportunity to study and discuss old tools and travel items from the farm. Do you have something lying around at home that you would like to show off or that you wonder what it is? Feel free to bring it here.

Eirik Tistel from Tistel Gard in Vik will join us this evening and give an introduction to sharpening with both a whetstone and a whetstone. If you have old tools that need sharpening, you can bring them along.

Welcome to a pleasant autumn evening at Hovland Gard!

Practical information:

No registration

The event is free

Bring warm clothes

Simple serving

Contact person:

Gry Mørk - phone 95141438

e-mail: gry@naroyfjorden.no

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Kulturhistorisk vandring på Bakka

We mark the Cultural Heritage Days 2023!

Her får du moglegheita til vere med dei som kjenner Bakka best og lære om busetnads- og gardshistorie, om husmenn og endringar i landbruket opp gjennom hundreåra og fram til i dag.

We first go for a walk with farmer Svein Tufte from Borgen Gard, through the steep bends above his farm and below the beach seating environment by the fjord. Then we make a stop in the yard of Dyrdal Gard and Camping, where Olav Magne and Katrine Dyrdal meet us, and we get the chance to see the ancient firehouse on the farm. The walk ends with a visit to the church from 1859.

Grenda Bakka ligg i ein majestetisk og kraftfull natur, verna som landskapsvernområde og på verdsarvlista til UNESCO som blant dei viktigaste naturområda i verda. Dette får du og høyre meir om denne dagen. Det blir høve til å kjøpe kaffi/ te og noko å bite i, elles er turen gratis.


Difficulty: easy

Attendance: the schoolhouse

Parking at: arranged parking spaces

Can bring: waterproof footwear

Contact information:

Gry Mørk - tel. 95 14 14 38, e-mail: gry@naroyfjorden.no

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Professional day on biological diversity

Professional day on biological diversity - walk along the fjord to Stokko

Tid:    5. juli 2023
Stad: Oppmøte ved nærbutikken i Undredal kl 12.30 

Med oss på markdagen vert biolog Geir Gaarder. Han er godt kjend i området her, og har stor kunnskap om artsrikdomen me finn lags ruta til Stokko. 
På turen vert det fleire stopp, for å sjå på dei ulike lokalitetane me passera. Det meste område me vandrar i, ligg i Nærøyfjorden landskapsvernområde.
På Stokko er det slåttemarker, og eit av temaene me tek opp her, er kva som er den beste måten å hauste dei artsrike engene på. Både med tanke på fôrkvalitet og på haustetidspunkt.  

Some information about Stokko: 

Område langs fjorden frå bygdi Undredal til Stokko har vore nytta til slåtteteigar i lang tid. Det var, og er, avgjerande for husdyrhaldet for bøndene i Undredal å haust fôr i dette område.
Den langvarige bruken av område til slått, har ført til at artsrikdommen i slåttemarkene er stor. Me finn mange artar her av blomster og gras, og det er stor artsrikdom av insekt.

The use of the area has led to many traces in the landscape of both earthen walls and stone structures. And several shelters have been built in the area.

I dag er turen frå Undredal til Stokko mykje nytta til turgåing, og langs fjorden er det mange som går i land for overnatting. Samspelet mellom friluftsliv, turgåing, verneområde, biologisk mangfald og det aktive landbruket er her omfattande.


Simple dining is provided at Stokko. 

Welcome to an educational, inspiring and pleasant professional day. 

Registration to beate.stolen@laerdal.kommune.no no later than 1 July

Verneområdestyret i Nærøyfjorden 
Felles Landbrukskontor ÅLA 

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Seminar on the re-use of old houses in agriculture

Why reuse, how to reuse? And how to make it happen?

Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark og Landbrukskontoret ÅLA ynskjer deg som eig, forvaltar eller jobbar med gamle hus – særleg i landbruket - velkomen til eit nyttig og inspirerande seminar!

Program for the day

· Welcome with hot lunch v/ Sivle Gard

· "Local value creation and sustainability. How can old houses contribute?"

v/ Ola Fjeldheim, general secretary of the Association for the Memory of the Past

· "What is good - and less good - repurposing of old farmhouses"

v/ Inga P. Lindstrøm, senior councilor Vestland county municipality

· Leg stretches

· "For those who want a new and useful use in an old house"

w/ Tove E. Ihler, inspiration / Følk&Glød

· Serving coffee/tea and notes

· Tour of Sivle Gard with owner Randi E. Eide

· "How to close with reuse? On access to artisan expertise and reusable materials as conditions."

v/ Bjørn Vike, restaureringshandverkar / eigar 29/2 Aurland

· "The Planning and Building Act and older buildings on agricultural properties - What do you have to think about?"

v/ Stefan Karlstrøm byggesakshandsamar, Aurland kommune

· Construction law rental on film

· "Guidelines for the conversion of houses in nature conservation areas"

v/ Anbjørg Nornes, verneområdeforvaltar Nærøyfjorden verneområde

· Orientation on subsidy schemes linked to renovation and development

· Open mail

· Besøk til Gudvangen Gard og Camping, med omvisning og orientering om løa

w/ Lene Hagen, owner

Price: NOK 500

Registration before 02 June!

Contact person:

Gry Mørk / Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark

Tel. 95141438

Email: gry@naroyfjorden.no

NB! When you fill in the registration form, you must enter the information - do not use "autofill" - then the form will not work!

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Course in storytelling

Finally! Here is the course that you have wanted for a long time! Here you will get useful tips about storytelling as a tool for companies that sell unique products with a story in which it is important that guests share.



Development of the guided scheme - framework, content, techniques and flow

Storytelling - how do you learn to tell?

Follow-up evening - storytelling (later in the spring)

The complete program is available upon registration

Practical information:

City: Parish School of Agriculture and Horticulture

Time: Friday 24 March at 0930 – 1600

Price: NOK 500, which includes the course, catering, booklet and follow-up evening at Skaldegard, with catering on Friday 21 April at 1900-2200.

Deadline for registration: Friday 17 March NB! Maximum number of places is 20

Email to: anne.karin.hatling@alb.no

You are very welcome to join us when An-Magritt takes us into the art of storytelling!

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CANCELED! Guida forest walk about forest management and wood quality

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This trip has unfortunately been cancelled. I will come with a new date later.

Join us on a winter walk in the beautiful forest in Fresvikåsen and learn about both forest management, wood quality and forestry history in the area!

The tour is a circular tour starting in Svida, and the focus will be on young forest and young forest care, twig-free work, trenching of bogs, older forest, dimensions, heartwood, etc. You will hear a little about the history of forestry here.

There will also be some information about the world heritage.

The tour guides, Ruben Bøtun from the Forest Company in Sogn og Fjordane and Geir Ove Bøthun, are both from Fresvik. They have both traveled and worked a lot in the forest in Fresvikåsen.

Turarrangementet er eit samarbeid mellom Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark og Skogselskapet i Sogn og Fjordane.

Practical info:

- Parking at Svida.

-Bring warm clothes, seat mats and your own packed lunch.

-Relatively easy trip.

-Price: Adults NOK. NOK 100, children/youth free.

Payment at VIPPS: 107632 (or cash)

Registration deadline: 23 February

Contact person: Gry Mørk - tel. 95 14 14 38, e-mail: gry@naroyfjorden.no

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Course for new farmers

Welcome to courses for new farmers!


There are many topics and questions that are important when taking over an agricultural property. Starting with a course can be a good start.
With this course, I want to inspire and be of help when the new farmer takes over the farm and finds his way for further operations. 

Juridiske og menneskelige utfordringar ved eigarskifte – advokat Lasse Sælthun 
Bondelaget informerar -  Aurland Bondelag – Tomas Rastad 
Vår historie og våre val - Hovland Gard v. Ole Bjarne Hovland 
God agronomi for å lukkast med matproduksjon - Børre Solberg – rektor ved SJH 
Finansieringsordningar hjå Innovasjon Norge v.Vemund Aarthun 
Kva kan kommunen bidra med – næringsrådgjevar Linn-Janette, Aurland kommune og Felles landbrukskontor ÅLA Magnhild Aspevik og Beate Stølen 

Welcome to a pleasant evening with professional refreshments and social gatherings. 

Simple serving.

Registration before 08.02.2023 to beate.stolen@laerdal.kommune.no

Subject to changes in the programme

Stad: Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule i Aurland
Tid: Måndag 13.2.2023 kl 17.30-20.30 

Registration to Beate Stølen by e-mail: beate.stolen@laerdal.kommune.no

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The park meeting 2022

The annual Park meeting, a general meeting between the park partners, the founders and the park organization, is held immediately after the Development Conference, which is organized at the Fretheim Hotel, Flåm, on 22 November.

Given the time, closer info will come later.

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Business conference in Flåm

Photo: Jon Hunnålvatn Tøn

Together we become stronger

The business conference in Flåm is organized at Fretheim Hotel by Norway's best, with Sognefjorden Næringshage, Sogn Næring, Visit Sognefjord and Backline Voss as good partners. The aim is to create an annual conference on development, cooperation, innovation, dissemination of knowledge, innovation and restructuring for Norwegian business.

This year's conference will be a meeting point with a focus on talking about the times to come and collaboration is a red thread throughout the event.

Conference presenters Finn Tokvam and Line Bjelde from Sogn Næring guide us through a day filled with interesting lectures. Through the conference, we will learn more about how different companies and actors interact to gain a position in the market.

Welcome to a day of inspiration and professional replenishment in the heart of Vestland county!

Here you can read more and find a link to sign up

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Flåm through 2000 years - cultural history walk with archaeologist Svein Indrelid

Would you like to learn more about the history of the village of Flåm - about how it came into being and has developed over the last 2000 years?

On this guided walk in Flåmsdalen, Svein Indrelid takes us on a journey into Flåm's oldest times, before people came here. We learn about ancient finds and cultural heritage, the oldest farms, the Middle Ages. Lines are also drawn forward to our time, with settlement histories over the last 500 years, glimpses of rural history, the school and the church.

We walk the route Fretheimshaugane - community center - Lunden - Heimdal - Flåm school - Flåm church.

The tour ends in the church hall with coffee/tea.

Svein Indrelid was born and raised in Flåm, he is an archaeologist and author of the village books about Flåm.


price NOK 100,- for adults, free for children/youth

Limited number of places!

Registration by September 15th to:

Gry Mørk

tel: 95141438

email: gry@naroyfjorden.no

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