Governing document
The aim of the foundation is to coordinate the overall effort in relation to the world heritage status for the Nærøyfjord area. You can read the foundation's statutes here
Park plan
"The park plan is a long-term strategy and action plan that mentions the value platform/vision, challenges, objectives and points out overall initiatives and measures.
Dokumentet har m.a.o. som siktemål å vere eit sentralt grunnlag for samarbeid og eit styringsdokument for Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark. Arbeidet med denne utgåva av Parkplanen bygger på førsteutgåva av planen frå 2009 og ein grundig planprosess. Prosessen vart innleia med eit arbeidsmøte i Verdsarvparken sitt arbeidsutval sommaren 2013.
Hausten 2013 vart eit planutkast presentert for kommunestyra i Lærdal, Aurland, Vik og Voss. I tillegg vart det orientert om hovudtrekka i planen på Verdsarvparken sitt partnarmøte i Gudvangen den 2. oktober 2013.
Proposals for a revised park plan were put out for consultation with founders and partners in November 2013. During the consultation, the founders were specifically encouraged to present the document to relevant political bodies for consideration. Thirteen entries were recorded in connection with the hearing. These were discussed in the Park's working committee on 16 December 2013.
The park board approved and adopted the park plan with changes at a meeting on 8 January 2014"
Download the park plan here (1 MB)
The park meeting
The annual Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park "Park Meeting", which will function both as an annual meeting and as a permanent, annual gathering place for our partners and others who are curious about and have a special interest in the park and what we are working on.
The park meeting will also be an arena for professional knowledge gain and inspiration based on topics that are particularly relevant to the park initiative and our partners.
Action plan
"The World Heritage Park's annual action and initiative plan is the result of a process involving partners, the park's board, work committee and employees. The action plan specifies measures and efforts in line with the long-term focus areas set out in the Park Plan.
The document is the park organisation's basis for a number of applications for funds for the partial financing of the project and measures mentioned in the Action Plan. This is also a dynamic action plan that is updated in line with initiatives and available resources.
In this sense, the action plan is not a final commitment on resources/funds from the park's side, but the park will contact and inform project owners as and when commitments are made. Feel free to contact the day-to-day manager if they have any questions in this regard."
Guidelines for input into the action plan can be found here.
The form for input to the action plan can be found here.
Restoration plan
In the inscription of the Western Norwegian fjord landscape on the World Heritage List, the cultural and historical values in the area are highlighted:
"The remains of older, now mostly disused farms and stables add a cultural dimension to the dramatic natural landscape that complements and increases the overall value of the area."
The Main Committee for Culture, Sports and Inclusion will handle the revision of the Restoration Plan for the West Norwegian Fjord Landscape – Sub-area Nærøyfjorden at its meeting on October 26, 2021.
The aim of the restoration plan is to contribute to ensuring that the values of the cultural heritage in the world heritage area are taken care of in a long-term perspective, and through this help to maintain the unique universal values of the world heritage area. The cultural heritage in the world heritage area represents many different values and possibilities linked to knowledge, experience and use.
By restoring the cultural heritage in a good way, they can be used, at the same time as the cultural-historical values they have been taken care of. Well-preserved cultural heritage also contributes to creating a basis for value creation, knowledge building and good experiences in world heritage.
Restoration plan for the West Norwegian fjord landscape - sub-area Nærøyfjorden (2021)
The plan that has now been adopted is based on the restoration plan from 2014. You can find it here:
Restoration plan for the West Norwegian fjord landscape – Nærøyfjorden sub-area (2014).
An important change to note is that the restoration plan of 2021 represents an expansion in relation to the types of cultural heritage that are included, compared to the older edition of the plan. Now, the restoration plan does not only cover buildings worthy of conservation and the built environment, but also historic footpaths, walls and wholesome cultural landscapes. It helps to make the new plan important and relevant for all four world heritage municipalities in the Nærøyfjord area, both for management and owners, and it thus becomes an important document for even more, for example in connection with applications for project funds within the world heritage.
Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park manages Aurland Nature Fund, established in connection with the reorganization of Aurland Nature workshop from BA company to AS where the BA company was liquidated. The BA company's assets were invested in Aurland Nature Fund.
Fondet har til føremål å gje personar i Aurland høve til erfarings –og kompetanseutvikling innan naturbruk og tilrettelegging for landskapsoppleving, småskala foredling og produktutvikling, natur- og landskapsformidling.
Personar med bustadadresse i Aurland kommune kan søkje om midlar frå fondet. Midlane kan nyttast til ma. kurs, studiereiser, eller opphald i samband med opplæring. Omsøkt aktivitet eller tiltak skal inngå i ein plan for etablering eller vidareutvikling av eiga bedrift/ næring.