Linn-Janette Skarsbø Linn-Janette Skarsbø

New board for Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park!

Onsdag 13. januar vart årets fyrste styremøte for Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark arrangert på Flåmsbrygga i Aurland kommune.

In addition to the election of a new chairman, there were also a number of new faces who attended the meeting for the first time from both the world heritage municipalities and the county council following the elections in autumn 2015. 

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Linn-Janette Skarsbø Linn-Janette Skarsbø

New leader and deputy leader of the World Heritage Council for the West Norwegian fjord landscape.

New leader and deputy leader of the World Heritage Council for the West Norwegian fjord landscape.

The World Heritage Council for the West Norwegian Fjord Landscape has, as it were, the primary task of working to safeguard and promote the world heritage status awarded to the Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord areas jointly.

Mayor of Voss municipality, Hans Erik Ringkjøb, was elected on 1 December 2015 as the new leader of the World Heritage Council for the West Norwegian Fjord Landscape for the period 2016 - 2017. Mayor of Stranda municipality, Jan Ove Tryggestad, was elected deputy leader at the same time.

The main secretariat follows the leader and will be hosted by the foundation Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park for the next two years.

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