Frist for søknader til Aurland Naturfond er 1. mars 2016!

Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park manages Aurland Nature Fund, established in connection with the reorganization of Aurland Nature workshop from BA company to AS where the BA company was liquidated. The BA company's assets were invested in Aurland Nature Fund. 

Fondet har til føremål å gje personar i Aurland høve til erfarings –og kompetanseutvikling innan naturbruk og tilrettelegging for landskapsoppleving, småskala foredling og produktutvikling, natur- og landskapsformidling. Fondet skal i utgangspunktet fordelast gjennom årlege søknadar/ ubetalingar over ein periode på 20 år; noko som pt. tilsvarar om lag kr. 26 500,- pr. år.

In 2015, the fund board received 6 applications, of which 3 applicants were approved for funds.

One of those who applied, and received funds, was Grethe Vikesland. She used the funds for competence development through participation in a course in local processing and sales of milk under the auspices of the Resource Center at Sogn Jord- og Hagebrukskule

Personar med bustadadresse i Aurland kommune kan søkje om midlar frå fondet. Midlane kan nyttast til ma. kurs, studiereiser, eller opphald i samband med opplæring. Omsøkt aktivitet eller tiltak skal inngå i ein plan for etablering eller vidareutvikling av eiga bedrift/ næring.

There is no requirement for separate property.

Funds can also be applied for for networking, conducting seminars and similar events held in Aurland municipality and which is designed to develop competence in nature- and culture-based industries.

Applicants who receive funding must submit a report on the activity/initiative within 3 months of its completion.

The World Heritage Park's working committee is the foundation board for Aurland Nature Fund.

Articles of association for the fund can be downloaded here.

You can get more detailed information about the scheme by contacting the daily manager on tel. 95 17 25 95 or email

Søknad vert å sende innan 1. mars 2016 til Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark, Helabrotet 2A, 5745 Aurland eller pr. e-post til


Application deadline for funds for hiking trail project-15. February 2016!


New board for Nærøyfjorden World Heritage Park!