SognaVERT Course

SognaVERT-kurset vart arrangert for fyrste gong i 2014 og var eit samarbeid mellom Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark,Visit SognefjordRessurssenteret på Sogn Jord og Hagebrukskule SJH, og verdiskapingsprosjektet Mellom Fjell, fjord og folk i Luster.  Kursa i dag vert drifta gjennom Ressurssenteret ved Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule, i samarbeid med Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark og Visit Sognefjord. 

Content of the course:

  • "Good Hospitality", Vertskapet Utvikling Märit Torkelson is a course leader in the top class when it comes to the role of host.
  • «Geologi, biologi og kulturlandskapet: Verdsarv- og Naturverdiane i Sogn»-  Representantar frå lokal naturforvaltning, Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark og Nærøyfjorden Verneområdestyre.
  • "Local industries, attractions and auditorium" - Local speakers.  
  • Self-study: Visit six individual attractions, experiences, places to eat, etc

The course is aimed at employees in tourism industries, but is also suitable for employees in shops, municipal squares, and others who live in the Sogna region.  

The course focused on how to create a culture that is passionate about hospitality, and how we can promote Sogn as a destination together. Good knowledge of the area in which we live, live and, not least, work is also important, which is why SognaVERTen also has a focus on local knowledge within local food, culture, nature and history. An important part has also been that the participants and presenters are served local flavours. 


SognaVERT course summer 2016. 

13.juni Kveldskurs med Vertskapet AS i Aurland

14 June Day course with Vertskapet AS and Local knowledge at Sogn Folkemuseum in Kaupanger. 

20. juni Kveldskurs med tema Lokalkunnskap i Undredal.

Program poster can be downloaded here. 

Registration is made through the website of the Ressurssenteret-SJH

Parish host course 2015 at Sivle Gard. 


Photo from the course in Sogndal on 12 June 2014

Gasta Design

We create profitable websites based on Squarespace, and are happy to develop your visual identity or help you with digital marketing.


Dialogue conference: Cruise tourism


Restoration plan for the Nærøyfjord area