Undredal Village Association/Rural Development

Undredal Grendelag er velforeininga for bygda og i tillegg ein møteplass for samtale mellom alle i bygda som ynskjer å engasjere seg i ulike former for nærmiljø- og utviklingsarbeid. 

Contact information:

Undredal Grendelag

PO Box 33

5747 Undredal

E-post: post@undredal.no

Undredal Bygdeutvikling AS

The purpose of the company is to develop activities and infrastructure that can stimulate well-being and business development in the village. The company, in close collaboration with Grendelaget, manages the Underdølen magazine, the park system in the village, path clearing, care of the cultural landscape along the fjord and the kayak camp at Stokko.

Contact information:

Undredal Bygdeutvikling AS

PO Box 33

5746 Undredal

E-post: post@undredal.no

Nettside: www.undredal.no

Undredal Stavkyrkje: www.undredal-stavkyrkje.com

Gasta Design

We create profitable websites based on Squarespace, and are happy to develop your visual identity or help you with digital marketing.


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