Friends of Aurlandsdalen will receive the Riksantikvaren's cultural heritage award 2022!
Sigrid Sønnerheim Tønnesen and Gry Lie Roberts accept the award on behalf of Friends of Aurlandsdalen
Every year, the National Antiquities' cultural heritage prize is awarded to persons, organizations or the environment that have made a special effort for cultural heritage. The Cultural Heritage Prize in 2022 goes to the charity group Friends of Aurlandsdalen.
The jury's reasoning:
Friends of Aurlandsdalen is an active and dedicated volunteer group that takes care of an important historical thoroughfare. For many years, the volunteers have worked with the maintenance of the cultural landscape. The landscape in the valley is in constant motion and it requires annual effort from the volunteers to keep the path open for the many thousands of guests who come each year.
The friends are many, there are also zealots from other places in Norway, as well as people with roots in the valley and others who are native to Aurlandsdalen.
The efforts of Friends of Aurlandsdalen make the walk through Aurlandsdalen one of the most beautiful natural and cultural experiences in Norway!
The year of volunteering 2022 will celebrate Norway's most important teamwork. With this year's award, the jury wishes to focus on and honor the voluntary efforts in cultural environmental protection. Friends of Aurlandsdalen is a prime example of this.
Riksantikvaren's cultural heritage prize is awarded to persons, organizations or the environment who have made a special effort for: - preservation and/or restoration of cultural heritage - dissemination of cultural heritage, nationally or regionally - use/reuse and maintenance of cultural heritage